March 27-April 3 2024
Barriers are being broken. The Sun/Neptune conjunction is followed by the Sun Ingress to Aries and the Lunar eclipse. Jupiter approaches the conjunction aspect to Uranus in Taurus. An astrologically symbolized interaction usually occurs hours or a day before the actual partile aspect. However, a precipitating aspect in a natal chart, a transit to a natal planet, would trigger an event that is related to transiting planetary aspects at the timing of the triggering aspect. For example, when George Santos speaks out, his personal intention, symbolized by transits to his natal chart, precipitates his vocalized retorts that have some relevance to the ongoing issues. What his true motivation is rather obvious.
Looking ahead
April 1-2 Mercury turns retrograde
April 1-2 3rd Quarter Moon phase
April 6 Venus ingress Aries
April 8 Solar eclipse New Moon
April 19 Sun ingress Taurus
April 26 Mercury turns direct
Summary of major and minor aspects of the week
Wednesday March 27th — The Moon ingress to Scorpio early today, 09:04 UTC; 05:04 EDT; 11:04 EET, square aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, and then makes a trine aspect to Mars in Pisces. Intention to alter the status of trajectories meets with renewed action to achieve goals. This may not be too consistent or well meaning, existing in another world view, is off course for the desired eventual outcome. Yet, given the present situation, it remains the best alternative. Ceres in Capricorn in an approaching trine aspect to Jupiter in Taurus gives hope for the release of abduced civilians. Venus in Pisces and sextile aspect to Uranus helps to undermine the radical stance of opponents. The Moon trine aspect to Mars indicates an emotional motivation to succeed in efforts for eliminating radical groups. The Sun in Aries is unaspected until the Moon reaches the quincunx aspect in the afternoon hours, US time zones. While unaspetced the Sun’s effect astrologically is muted. The quincunx aspect indicates a rather disjointed effort to reach a personal goal. While there is some truth to accusations made today, there is also doubt as to the motivation.
Thursday March 28th — The Moon in Scorpio is trine aspect to Saturn in Pisces early today, EDT, afternoon hours in UK, EU, and the ME. The Moon is also sextile aspect to Ceres in Capricorn. The recent UNSC resolution is aimed at stopping the war in Gaza and returning hostages to their homes. Ceres may represent the abducted hostages. Ceres is square aspect to the lunar nodes (Rahu and Ketu) and in an approaching trine aspect to Jupiter in Taurus. Mercury in Aries and in an approaching semi-sextile aspect to Neptune in Pisces indicates difficulty in implementation. The Moon is in an opposition aspect to Jupiter, increasing hope for the release and acceptance of the resolution or progress in the proposed plan for a ceasefire and releasing only a fraction of the hostages for an exchange of prisoners that Israel holds. Hamas does not want to appear the loser, so will not surrender. The Moon makes quincunx aspects to Rahu and Chiron in Aries. Hamas leaders are cornered in their underground sanctuary. International pressure works in their favor. While Israel should not have to bargain for the release of the unlawfully detained citizens, that is the established routine.
Friday March 29th — The Moon in Scorpio is trine aspect to Neptune early today, US time zones, and quincunx aspect to Mercury in Aries, while Mercury is semi-sextile aspect to Neptune. Pluto in Aquarius is semi-square aspect to Neptune helping to facilitate a hostage release, as talks aim to end the conflict. The Moon ingress to Sagittarius at 19:53 UTC; 15:53 EDT; 21:53 EET. The Moon is then sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, evoking deeper concerns for humanitarian survival. By afternoon hours US time zones, the Moon makes a square aspect to Mars in Pisces. Mars in Pisces is not very outer directed in action. Although Mars is goal oriented, in Pisces it signifies an internalized goal, maybe retracting actions to repair missteps. As a rift has appeared in Israel relations with her major ally the US, this would be a time when a deeper understanding of positions is fostered.
Saturday March 30th — The Moon in Sagittarius makes a trine aspect to the Sun in Aries early today US time zones, afternoon hours in UK, EU, and ME, as good relationships are restored in a day of positive feelings. The Moon makes a square aspect to Saturn later in the day, forcing a halt to some humanitarian goods. The Moon is then in a quincunx aspect to Jupiter in Taurus. Ceres in Capricorn trine aspect to Jupiter as Jupiter approaching conjunction aspect with Uranus. Overnight US time zones, the Moon indicates a powerful unexpected reaction takes place.
Sunday March 31st — The Moon in Sagittarius is partile quincunx aspect to Jupiter and then draws the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction aspect into focus, morning hours in the ME, with the potential for a powerful explosive event, as the need for adaptation to a changed reality becomes obvious, reflected in reversals of political alliances. Chiron semi-sextile aspect to the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction aspect indicates that wisdom of experience itself is inadequate. The Moon then in a square aspect to Venus is a challenging aspect that opens deeply held opinions based on emotional attachments into question. The Moon draws Venus into the conjunction aspect with Neptune in Pisces, as previously held opinions are confronted as the Moon in Sadge square aspect to the pair, alliances are under scrutiny. The Moon is at the same time in a trine aspect to Mercury in Aries indicating that reformations are possible.
Monday April 1st — The Moon ingress Capricorn at 04:06 UTC; 00:06 EDT; 07:06 EEDT. The semi-sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius could help to solidify or deepen views of the events. The divide between East and West deepens. The Moon is sesquiquadrate (135 deg) aspect to Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus as friction between allies could be overcome if they are concerning practical matters in the earth signs. The Moon makes a sextile aspect to Mars in Pisces, enmeshing opponents in controversy. Chiron semi-sextile aspect to Jupiter/Uranus is a cautionary tale. Mercury in Aries semi-sextile aspect to Neptune as Mercury slows to its retrograde phase, entrenched in controversy, and Ceres in Capricorn continues the applying trine aspect to Jupiter to highlight the plight of abducted civilians. Mercury in Aries as stationary turns retro at 18:33 EDT; 22:33 UTC; 01:33 EEDT (BAT) on Tuesday April 2nd.
Tuesday April 2nd — The Moon in Capricorn makes the conjunction aspect to Ceres early today, trine aspect to Jupiter andUranus in Taurus, for material flow of goods, and release of abducted civilians held hostage. Mercury in Aries is stationary retrograde, semi-sextile aspect to Venus and Neptune in Pisces. The Moon is also square aspect to Chiron in Aries, as Chiron is semi-sextile aspect to Jupiter/Uranus, as conventional wisdom is rejected. The Sun in Aries is semi-sextile aspect to Saturn in Pisces, with an innovative turn, power may release the grip of the terrorist group. The Moon transits to sextile aspects to Venus and Neptune in Pisces, as appealing to the vanity of the captors triggers release, in a square aspect to Mercury retro. The Moon ingress to Aquarius overnight makes a conjunction aspect to Pluto, as a transfer and transitions take place.
Delve into the mysteries of astrology in this introduction and guidebook — Our Cosmic Imprint — available on Amazon.com with eBook or print version. Fascinating chart readings of celebrities included.
Reminder: While lunar aspects are in effect only for only a few hours, the aspect of the outer planets can last days and weeks. I post a reading for a day in advance to give a preview, also because the aspects may be in effect a day prior to the exact partile degree.
Hope you navigate the week successfully and share the joy! Thanks for reading.
The first Volume of Our Cosmic Imprint, astrology for self-actualization and transformation is now available online at Amazon bookstore in paperback or ebook format. It should be of interest to the novice astrologer or the curious as well as those advanced in astrological practice. Here is the link to the book https://amzn.to/35bFC7w
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March 26, 2024
Jerusalem, Israel