Rescue the Future
Following the drama and pageantry of the last few days, one wonders if it is actually an illusion, a show of empty promises, with much to remain unfulfilled, or lacking in realism. This week with Neptune aspects may see some of the illusions brought to the surface. The Mystical Rectangle on Thursday could inspire cooperative ventures for future development, as work to rescue and repair get underway in regions that have experience fire and war, progress can be a source of healing. The Moon in Sagittarius for Friday and Saturday, could help to search for common ground in direction for the future of communities. The Balsamic phase of the lunation focuses attention on reforming initiatives for the new era we find dawning, where commonly held ideas of crime and justice become irrelevant.
Looking ahead
January 29 | — | New Moon in Aquarius |
January 31 | — | Uranus returns to direct transit |
February 4 | — | Venus ingress Aries |
February 4 | — | Jupiter returns to direct transit |
February 12 | — | Full Moon in Leo |
February 14 | — | Mercury ingress Pisces |
February 18 | — | Sun ingress Pisces |
February 24 | — | Mars returns to direct transit |
March 30-31 | — | Neptune ingress Aries |
Summary of major and minor aspects of the week
Wednesday January 22nd — The Moon in Scorpio is quincunx aspect to Jupiter retro in Gemini, in the morning hours (US time zones), afternoon hours in UK, EU, and ME, evening in the Far East and Australia. The luck received may be unexpected and maybe even a bit off-tone, yet you may benefit if you have any favorable aspects to the Moon or Jupiter. As the Moon is in conjunction aspect with my natal Jupiter, I expect a big windfall (just kidding). The Moon this morning (or afternoon, depending on your location) is square aspect to Ceres in Aquarius. A release of energy with the square aspects indicates an emotional reunion, or perhaps a release of pain in crisis. The Moon transits to trine aspects to Saturn and Venus in Pisces a few hours later. Any gains should be well spent. The Sun separating conjunction aspect to Pluto, as we seek to integrate the global transformations taking place into our working consciousness. How are we changed as individuals, impacted to some degree in our everyday lives, our relationship to the geopolitical environment. Mercury in Capricorn approaching opposition aspect to Mars retro in Cancer, as opposition to aggressive actions taken could be expressed in legislative initiatives, intended to overturn executive decrees. Mars retro partile sextile aspect to Uranus retro in Taurus indicates that the directives are both revolutionary and regressive. Mercury doubly approaching trine aspect to Uranus retro brings a revolutionary tone to its messaging, as the day is traumatic as well as evolutionary.
Thursday January 23rd — A Mystic Rectangle configuration early today (US time zones) occurs simultaneously throughout the world, as the celestial globe is a constant factor everywhere on earth, although the time of day varies according to location [see charts above]. The same configuration is an afternoon occurrence for UK, EU nations, and ME zones, evening and overnight in the far reaches of the eastern hemisphere, Australia, New Zealand and the Islands. As the Moon holds one corner of the rectangle, the configuration is time-sensitive, a duration of to 2-3 hours. However, the initiatives taken under the influence of this multifaceted configuration may have a long-lasting effect. The chart for the location in Israel and the chart for the location in Los Angeles, are different in the House locations of the planets. With each location time zone, a repeat iteration with the dial of the Houses turning. What is constant are the planets and the signs involved. In today’s rectangle, two sextile aspects connect earth signs with water signs, the trine aspects connect earth to earth, and water to water. The there are opposition aspects which bind the configuration, earth to water. We might call this a yin Mystic Rectangle configuration, with the receptive elements, earth and water. There is tension and also cooperation, a flowing energy with the trine aspects, and a tension with the opposition aspects. It is a time of working with friends, partners and community, each knowing his or her role and acting in harmony. With such energy, much may be accomplished. Today, the Moon also forms grand-trine configurations, connecting the water signs in a harmonious natural flow. While we may disagree on many issues, we work together to meet a common goal, a life-saving and nation-saving goal.
Friday January 24th — The Moon ingress Sagittarius early today, 04:30 UTC; 23:30 EST (Thursday); 06:30 EET, is sextile aspect to the Sun in Aquarius 09:00 EST; 14:00 UTC; 16:00 EET, as with instinctive actions taken to implement the orders of office holders. Mercury in Capricorn supersedes the trine aspect to Uranus retro in Taurus and the opposition aspect to Mars retro in Cancer, as criticisms are set aside in order to fulfill the demands of the changed direction. Venus in Pisces doubly approaching trine aspect to Mars retro indicating a collective inspiration to actions anticipated. Venus doubly approaching a sextile aspect to Uranus retro could delay some implementation, especially by inspired corruption. Mars retro separating sextile aspect to Uranus retro, disposed of by the Moon in Sagittarius, perhaps implementations contrary to values are potentially rejected. The Moon in an opposition aspect to Jupiter in Gemini later in the day, morning hours on Saturday in the eastern hemisphere, indicates petitions to expand judicial power, arguments may resolve to philosophical viewpoints.
Saturday January 25th — The Moon in Sagittarius makes several aspects today, as proposals collide with legal issues, Moon square aspect to Saturn in Pisces, sextile aspect to Ceres in Aquarius and square aspect to Venus in Pisces. Ceres sextile aspect to Chiron in Aries reveals deeper wounds, following the honorary titles given. Moon square aspect to Venus and then quincunx aspects to Mars retro and Uranus retro as voices of the wounded are elicited. A Yod formation could bring unexpected benefits.
Sunday January 26th — The Moon ingress Capricorn 13:44 UTC; 08:34 EST; 15:44 EET, square aspect to the lunar nodes, Rahu in Aries and Ketu in Libra. Mercury in Capricorn is sextile aspect to Neptune in Pisces, the final dispositor. Dispersion of diplomatic posts reaches culmination. Venus in Pisces supersedes the trine aspect to Mars retro in Cancer, inspirational influence continues to empower the goals for the home and family. Mars retro separation sextile aspect to Uranus retro reducing the goal of reversing values and implanting radical reforms.
Monday January 27th — The Moon in Capricorn in the Balsamic phase is seeding the upcoming New Moon that takes place on Wednesday. Events of the concluding cycle are instrumental in determining the direction of plans for the coming month. Moon sextile aspect to Saturn in Pisces and Saturn, as ruler of Capricorn, is the dispositor of the Moon, while Neptune, the final dispositor is the dispositor of Saturn and Venus. Expressing admiration and inspiration is the mode de jour. Will it last? Big changes are coming in the astrological map, as Neptune reaches the final degree of Pisces and prepares to ingress the cardinal fire sign of Aries. The Moon transits to the opposition aspect with Mars retro in Cancer, and Mercury ingress to Aquarius later today. Conformity to expectations reaches an apex.
Tuesday January 28th — The Moon in Capricorn is sextile aspect to Neptune in Pisces early today, US time zones, afternoon hours in the eastern hemisphere, inspiring hope for the future. The Moon ingress to Aquarius 19:32 UTC; 14:32 EST; 21:32 EET, conjunction aspect with Mercury and Pluto follows, activated at the ingress. Mercury conjunction aspect with Pluto can transform the way we perceive actions of elected officials. We might even stop worrying and love the bomb (err new government), as we learn to go with the flow. The New Moon in Aquarius is early tomorrow, so today we can make amends and prepare to wear new clothes to define the new rule.
Delve into the mysteries of astrology in this introduction and guidebook — Our Cosmic Imprint — available on with eBook or print version. Fascinating chart readings of celebrities included.
Reminder: While lunar aspects are in effect only for only a few hours, the aspect of the outer planets can last days and weeks. While I no longer post on Facebook each day, the week’s review is posted each Tuesday.
Hope you navigate the week successfully and share the joy! Thanks for reading.
The first Volume of Our Cosmic Imprint, astrology for self-actualization and transformation is now available online at Amazon bookstore in paperback or ebook format. It should be of interest to the novice astrologer or the curious as well as those advanced in astrological practice. Here is the link to the book
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January 21, 2025
Safed, Israel