Pisces Fishbowl Stellium
All signs are leading to a complex dissolution that will force a regeneration of selfless service for universal healing.
A grand-trine is water signs to start this week’s Gimelstar Zodiac Newsletter (GZN), the Moon in Scorpio trine aspect to Mars and Saturn, helping to ease the flow of receptibility for transformations. Mars and Saturn represent contradictory forces active before the Moon reaches the opposition aspect to Uranus in Taurus. The Moon ingress Sagittarius on Thursday. Neptune conjunction aspect to Rahu in Pisces, with a Pisces and the fish stellium throughout the week. The disillusionment reduces goals, and past ideals reach a climatic crisis point with the Moon square aspect to the Sun in Pisces. The Moon opposition aspect to Jupiter on Friday, with Mercury square aspect to Jupiter and the Moon for a T-square configuration, indicates a court ruling that has the potential to reset the stage for progress in immigration. Moon square aspect to Neptune and Rahu conjunction in Pisces, sextile aspect to Ceres in Aquarius on Friday, makes the ingress Capricorn late Saturday US time zones. Mars in Cancer stationary trine aspect to Mercury returns to direct transit, as Mercury reaches the conjunction aspect to Saturn on Tuesday.
Looking ahead
February 27-28 | — | New Moon in Pisces |
March 2 | — | Venus turns retrograde |
March 13-14 | — | Full Moon eclipse in Virgo |
March 15 | — | Mercury turns retrograde |
March 22 | — | Venus retro returns to Pisces |
March 30-31 | — | Neptune ingress Aries |
Summary of major and minor aspects of the week
Wednesday February 19th — The Moon in Scorpio makes a trine aspect to Mars retro in Cancer, followed by a trine aspect to Saturn in Pisces, making a grand-trine configuration in water signs, indicating flowing movement, although Saturn and Mars represent opposing energy, as a shake-up force is implemented. Mars represents direct energy toward a goal, while Saturn represents contracting forces. The water signs are yielding in nature, so aggressive conflicts are not expected now. The Moon in Scorpio can elicit a transformation as reformative goals to create a backlash, although for now remain dormant. Mercury in Pisces is in an approaching square aspect (discontent) to Jupiter in Gemini. Venus in Aries approaching sextile aspect to Jupiter while semi-square aspect to Uranus in Taurus, triggering the voice of an expanded opposition force.
Thursday February 20th — The Moon in Sagittarius begins a one-by-one square aspect sequence to the planets in Pisces. First, however, is the square aspect to Ceres in Aquarius, before dawn US time zones, morning hours in the ME. A return of hostage dead bodies, is scheduled for today. The Moon in a square aspect to the Sun at 17:34 UTC; 12:34 EST; 19:34 EET, also sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, as a fundamental shift gets underway, we are a week away from the New Moon in Pisces. The Moon square aspect to Mercury in Pisces is also in opposition aspect to Jupiter in Gemini, for a T-square configuration, occurring overnight, before dawn on Friday US time zones, noon time EET. Russia is releasing US citizens from their prison, as exchanges are underway elsewhere.
Friday February 21st — The goal to end the war in Ukraine prompts international conferences. Mars retro in Cancer, trine aspect to the midpoint of Mercury and Saturn in Pisces, quincunx aspect to the philosophical Moon, as goals do not necessarily jibe with the facts, and the focal point shifts to Mercury as a new set of points of agreement is worked out, although securing acceptance by all parties participating or affected cannot be assured. A T-square configuration with Mercury at the focal point, trying to keep a balance in the discussions [reference chart above].
Saturday February 22nd — Mars trine aspects to Mercury and Saturn strengthen (grow closer), as Mercury moves to the conjunction aspect with Saturn, separating square aspect to Jupiter in Gemini, as less dissention is expressed. The Moon transits to the square aspect to Neptune in Pisces, dissolution of objections may result. Neptune in conjunction aspect with Rahu (north lunar node) indicates a path to a successful implementation of agreements, as the conflicts are modified, dissolving past issues of contention. Personal healing efforts gain in health improvements. The Moon ingress Capricorn 23:10 UTC; 18:10 EST; 01:10 EET (Sunday).
Sunday February 23rd — Mars in Cancer is stationary preparing to return to direct motion. It will seem to have a greater impact on promoting goals, although may also indicate a pending reversal of goal orientation, as it acquires more influence in the direct transit phase. Mercury in Pisces is trine aspect to Mars, indicating that conferences may have achieved a repositioning of forces. The Moon in Capricorn is sextile aspect to the Sun in Pisces before dawn US time zones, morning hours EU and EET. The Moon is sesquiquadrate aspect to Uranus in Taurus by mid-morning hours EST, afternoon in EU and ME, a problematic aspect triggering dissent. A few hours later, the Moon square aspect to Venus in Aries, with Venus approaching sextile aspect to Jupiter. Professional opinions are rejected in preference for greater profits and personal pleasures. The Moon in opposition aspect to Mars in the evening hours US time zones, could indicate a demand for concessions.
Monday February 24th — Neptune is the final dispositor of the planets in Pisces, a current bowl shape configuration, a stellium in Pisces including Ceres at its ingress. The Moon in Capricorn is the dispositor of Mars in Cancer, while Saturn in Pisces is the dispositor of the Moon. Advances in the field of medicine are able to help the wounded, those wounded in conflict or abuse. All the planets are arranged in the activating eastern half of the globe. The Moon in opposition aspect to Mars could indicate a rejection of medical advice. The Moon then is trine aspect to Chiron in Aries, indicating critical conditions that require urgent care. All signs are leading to a complex dissolution that will force a regeneration of selfless service for universal healing. Mercury in Pisces trine aspect to Mars as solutions to conflicts mandated. The Moon sextile aspect to Saturn and approaching trine aspect to Uranus in Taurus with Mercury semisquare aspect to Uranus, as attempts to implement official policies are met with rejections.
Tuesday February 25th — The Moon ingress Aquarius 05:41 UTC; 00:41 EST; 07:41 EET. The Moon makes the conjunction aspect with Pluto in Aquarius, before dawn US time zones. Approaching the New Moon on the 28th, in the prophetic balsamic phase of the Moon, with Saturn and Mercury conjunction aspect in Pisces, a universal agreement is possible to achieve. The Moon sextile aspect to Venus in Aries offers beneficial rewards, then trine aspect to Jupiter in Gemini, success may be achieved with the coming New Moon.
Delve into the mysteries of astrology in this introduction and guidebook — Our Cosmic Imprint — available on Amazon.com with eBook or print version. Fascinating chart readings of celebrities included.
Reminder: While lunar aspects are in effect only for only a few hours, the aspect of the outer planets can last days and weeks. While I no longer post on Facebook each day, the week’s review is posted each Tuesday.
Hope you navigate the week successfully and share the joy! Thanks for reading.
The first Volume of Our Cosmic Imprint, astrology for self-actualization and transformation is now available online at Amazon bookstore in paperback or ebook format. It should be of interest to the novice astrologer or the curious as well as those advanced in astrological practice. Here is the link to the book https://amzn.to/35bFC7w
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February 18, 2025
Safed, Israel