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The GZN readings for this week begin in the following space.
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Full Moon in Libra Seeks Balance

Dramatic change is in store with this Full Moon. While and end to all war is unlikely, some concessions will be made to gain advantage in a realistic plan. The Moon in Aries to open the cycle on Wednesday before the Full Moon on Thursday. With incentives and international cautions, progress can be made now. It is to everyone’s benefit. On Saturday a complex interplay of planetary aspects mirrors the situation we find ourselves in today. A grand-trine in water signs on Tuesday, will allow for emotional trauma to surface, and a slow recovery is recommended. The Sun ingress Scorpio on October 22nd.

Looking ahead
November 1 — New Moon in Scorpio
November 3 — Mercury ingress Sagittarius
November 5 — Mars ingress Leo
November 12 — Venus ingress Capricorn
November 16 — Saturn turns direct transit
November 20 — Pluto ingress Aquarius
November 27 — Mercury turns retrograde transit


Summary of major and minor aspects of the week

Wednesday October 16th — The Moon in Aries responds to dramatic incidents; Venus in Scorpio trine aspect to Neptune retro in Pisces indicates sorrows. Venus doubly separating opposition aspect to Uranus retro in Taurus, with Uranus sextile aspect to Neptune retro. Mars in Cancer square aspects to Sun in Libra and Chiron in Aries for an active T-square configuration, centered on home as injuries and deaths are suffered. The Moon conjunction aspect to Chiron late in the day, leading up the Full Moon on Thursday.

Thursday October 17th — Full Moon early today 11:28 UTC; 07:28 EDT; 15:26 EEDT, Mars in Cancer square aspect to the Sun and Moon, generating action to avenge. May also manifest as a desire to settle disputes. Venus in Scorpio is partile trine aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. Venus is disposed of by Pluto. This could be a transforming day, clearing up matters that have persisted over many months. Mercury in Scorpio is sesquiquadrate aspect to Jupiter retro in Gemini. Jupiter is disposed of by Mercury, so pressure to change stance in disputes increased by conversations with close allies or partners. The Moon ingress Taurus 20:01 UTC; 16:00 EDT; 19:00 EEDT, square aspect to Pluto and quincunx aspect to Venus. Practical matters, especially related to financial situation, gain in importance, while many feel the pinch. Ceres in Capricorn transcends the sextile aspect to Saturn retro in Pisces, as parents are working for release of hostage children. Venus ingress Sagittarius afternoon US time zones, late evening UK, EU, and ME.

Friday October 18th — The Moon in Taurus makes an opposition aspect to Mercury in Scorpio, early morning US time zones, afternoon hours in UK, EU, and ME, as personal choices are affected by financial considerations. The Sun in Libra in a separating square aspect to Mars in Cancer, as opportunities for a balanced outcome fade. The Sun doubly approaching quincunx aspect to Neptune retro in Pisces for a more compassionate view of conflicts. Jupiter retro in Gemini partile sextile aspect to Chiron retro in Aries, working to expand individual rights. The Moon transits to sextile aspect with Saturn retro in Pisces, while also trine aspect to Ceres in Capricorn. Some progress can be made now to secure rights for hostages and/or captured imprisoned persons. The Sun quincunx aspect to Uranus retro in Taurus, both disposed of by Venus in Sagittarius, as awareness of violations of International Law, especially with regard to financial crimes, could bring a balance to future policies.

Saturday October 19th — The Moon in Taurus, quincunx aspect to the Sun in Libra, makes a conjunction aspect to Uranus retro, sextile aspect to Neptune retro in Pisces. The Sun quincunx aspect to Neptune retro for a Yod formation activates a reversal or hopefully a release of wrongfully imprisoned. The Moon trine aspect to Pluto follows, indicating the situation on the ground as major changes promote a transformation. Jupiter retro in Gemini and sextile aspect to Chiron retro in Aries remains a strong influence for diplomatic agreements. The Moon ingress to Gemini 20:09 UTC; 16:09 EDT; 23:09 EEDT. At the Ingress, the Moon is trine aspect to Pluto as Pluto approaches the ingress to Aquarius, then makes an opposition aspect to Venus in Sagittarius, a recognition of the changed status affecting the world’s humanity, and is celebrated.

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Sunday October 20th — The Moon in Gemini makes a quincunx aspect to Mercury in Scorpio, and a square aspect to Saturn retro in Pisces. The Moon is disposed of by Mercury, adding power to the aspect. Questions remain about the condition of imprisonment for hostages or other released from imprisonment. The Moon quincunx aspect to Ceres in Capricorn as conditions of the imprisonment become known. The Sun in Libra, doubly separating quincunx aspect to Uranus retro in Taurus, and partile quincunx aspect to Neptune retro in Pisces, as recuperation, and compensations are offered.

Monday October 21st — The Moon makes a conjunction aspect with Jupiter retro in Gemini pre-dawn morning US time zones, morning hours UK, EU, and ME. The Moon then transits to the square aspect with Neptune retro in Pisces, trine aspect to the Sun in Libra, and, shortly thereafter, to a quincunx aspect with Pluto in Capricorn. With the Gemini duel nature comes the possibility of analysis, as Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Objections are made to disinformation. Influential people can make judgments that are accepted by the majority of citizens. The Moon ingress Cancer at 22:51 UTC; 18:51 EDT; 01:51 EEDT on Tuesday AM. As Cancer is the sign that the Moon rules, personal health issues or family concerns are featured.

Tuesday October 22nd — The Moon in Cancer makes a grand-trine configuration in water signs, with Mercury in Scorpio and Saturn retro in Pisces, then an opposition aspect to Ceres in Capricorn. Deep emotional traumas surface concerning isolation, deprivation, and resilience. Venus partile sesquiquadrate aspect to Chiron represents the wisdom and care applied to those who must undergo a process to recover. Mercury trine aspect to Saturn retro represents patient care and professional techniques for recovery. The Sun ingress Scorpio, the fixed water sign, with compassionate depth, at 22:17 UTC; 18:17 EDT; 01:17 EEDT.
Delve into the mysteries of astrology in this introduction and guidebook — Our Cosmic Imprint — available on with eBook or print version. Fascinating chart readings of celebrities included.

Reminder: While lunar aspects are in effect only for only a few hours, the aspect of the outer planets can last days and weeks. I post a reading for a day in advance to give a preview, also because the aspects may be in effect a day prior to the exact partile degree.
Hope you navigate the week successfully and share the joy! Thanks for reading.
The first Volume of Our Cosmic Imprint, astrology for self-actualization and transformation is now available online at Amazon bookstore in paperback or ebook format. It should be of interest to the novice astrologer or the curious as well as those advanced in astrological practice. Here is the link to the book

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October 15, 2024
Safed, Israel

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