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The GZN readings for this week begin in the following space.
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A Gemini Stellium and a Yod


A full stellium in Gemini (5 planets) with the New Moon on June 6th denotes conversations and disputes in the mutable air sign of the Twins. Duality is inherent in this sign. Duality of thought and in writing or communication. Jupiter trine Pluto retro in air signs is still within orb, meaning “operative” in the sense that any astrological configuration can be reflective of events that transpire on Earth. Venus is at the same degree in Gemini as the New Moon, tempering conversations, becoming more personal or even more corrupt. A Yod formation on Tuesday creates opportunities for a radical transformation.

Looking ahead

June 17th Mercury and Venus ingress Cancer
June 20-21st

June 30th

Sun ingress Cancer

Saturn turns Retrograde

July 3rd Mercury ingress Leo
July 3rd Neptune turns retrograde
July 5th New Moon in Cancer
July 11th Venus ingress Leo
July 21st Mars ingress Gemini
July 21st Full Moon in Capricorn
July 22nd Sun ingress Leo


Summary of major and minor aspects of the week

Wednesday June 5thVenus supersedes the conjunction aspect with the Sun in Gemini, as the leading planet of the line-up in the bowl shape planetary display, and the stellium in Gemini, with Moon conjunction aspect with Jupiter. The Moon progresses to the conjunction aspect with Mercury by midday EST. We can expect a lot of conversation, proposals and analysis, as political discussions move forward in this election year. Moving past the bombshell announcements of the day earlier, the Moon and Jupiter separate from the trine aspect to Pluto retro in Aquarius, in this prophetic phase of the Moon, leading up to the New Moon on Thursday.

Thursday June 6th — The New Moon in Gemini is partile conjunction aspect with Venus 12:39 UTC; 08:39 EDT; 15:39 EEDT [see chart insert]. Pluto retro in Aquarius is sesquiquadrate (square plus semi-square) aspect to the New Moon and Venus. The inner work required to restore emotional and relationship health is facilitated. In the cultural unconscious, a collective consensus is growing. Jupiter trine aspect to Pluto retro in a separating aspect of growth. The Moon tests inner strength with a square aspect to Saturn in Pisces. The lunar quincunx aspect to Ceres retro in Capricorn follows, as grievances are aired, hostage remains, and live hostage returns demanded after partial communication received. The Moon in a sextile aspect to Chiron in Aries as in-depth conversations are elicited.

Friday June 7th — The Moon makes a sextile aspect to Mars in Aries and square aspect to Neptune in Pisces pre-dawn, US time zones, afternoon UK, EU, and ME. Exchanges of missile firing could be expected between Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Hezbollah or Hamas. The Moon ingress Cancer 12:42 UTC; 08:42 EDT; 15:42 EEDT as conflicts reverberate for protection of home and family. The Moon quincunx aspect to Pluto exposes underlying issues. Venus in Gemini approaches the square aspect to Saturn in Pisces as questions concerning stability and psychological health arise. Relationships may dissolve under this aspect. Venus makes a quincunx aspect to Ceres retro in Capricorn as arguments and jealousies threaten relationships. Venus in Gemini is experimental in nature. Ceres in Capricorn maintains loyalty, as well as attempts at medicinal and agricultural preservation. Venus combust would conceal its talents, consumed by the powerful Sun. Sun in Gemini maintains a flexible identity, shifting or mutating according to environmental demands. Venus adds charm to shapeshifting, conforming to the demands, while not losing self-respect, while square aspect to Saturn in Pisces puts Gemini to the test—maintain Individuality or conform. Ceres in a quincunx aspect to Sun/Venus could reject intrigue, demanding reliability. We need to know in concrete terms the plan for the road ahead.

Saturday June 8th —   The Moon in its home sign of Cancer makes the opposition aspect to Ceres in Capricorn as well as trine aspect to Saturn in Pisces in the same breath, and semisextile to Sun/Venus conjunction aspect in Gemini.  These aspects happening together indicate complex issues to which response is protective of health and home.  Exploitation is possible also. Venus square aspect to Saturn is an attack on status. Viscous strategies may be employed. Mars in the final degree of Aries is semi-sextile aspect to Neptune in Pisces, indicates a not-so friendly attempt to undermine an adversary, could be presented as the guise of a friendly joke. As square aspect to Chiron from the Moon overnight (US time zones) could disturb sleep with unconscious activity. This aspect occurs Sunday morning hours in UK, EU, and ME could bring deep analysis to the forefront in controversy.

Sunday June 9th — The Moon in Cancer makes a sextile aspect to Uranus in Taurus early morning US time zones and Mars ingress to Taurus as controversies are explained in simple terms. Positions are firmed as Mars approaches the square aspect to Pluto retro in Aquarius. The Sun in Gemini is square aspect to Saturn in Pisces, as issues are ferreted out for acceptability, in a post-truth era. The Moon ingress to Leo 19:30 UTC; 15:30 EDT; 22:30 EEDT and makes the opposition aspect to Pluto retro in Aquarius, square aspect to Mars in Taurus for a T-square configuration in fixed signs. Aggressive action may derail a peace proposal, as attempts to calm the situation fail. While Jupiter in Gemini sextile aspect to the Moon indicates pride in presentation of ideas, Ceres in Capricorn sextile aspect to Saturn in Pisces indicates a possible rebellion from younger generations seeking conformity to an ideal. The Sun in a quincunx aspect to Ceres as compromise is unlikely.

Monday June 10th — The Sun in Gemini in a separating square aspect to Saturn in Pisces and Ceres in Capricorn sextile aspect to Saturn indicates repeated efforts to adopt a policy that conforms to demands of environmentalists. Hostage release deal seems to move forward as the Moon transits Israel natal planets in LeoMoon, Pluto, Saturn, and Mars. Venus in Gemini in a separating conjunction aspect to the Sun approaches a sextile aspect to Chiron in Aries, as personal stories of events in captivity are published. Mars in Taurus and square aspect to Pluto in Aquarius indicates a forced transformation, such as a release of captives or a radical acquisition of land.


Tuesday June 11th — A Yad formation develops [see chart insert] at noon EEDT; 09:00 UTC; 04:00 EDT for a breakthrough in negotiations. This celestial formation indicates the hand of fate for an almost magical outcome. This formation is between the Moon in Leo quincunx aspect to Saturn in Pisces and quincunx aspect to Ceres in Capricorn, as the Moon continues its transit of Israeli’s natal planets in Leo. Ceres in a sesquiquadrate aspect to Jupiter in Gemini indicates difficult responses, objections to completion of a desired activity. A sesquiquadrate aspect from Mercury in Gemini to Pluto retro in Aquarius indicates vocalized objections to a universal shift underway, to reform powers and nations. Mars in Taurus makes a partile square aspect to Pluto retro in Aquarius, as forceful transformations undermine global economic programs.

Delve into the mysteries of astrology in this introduction and guidebook — Our Cosmic Imprint — available on with eBook or print version. Fascinating chart readings of celebrities included.

Reminder: While lunar aspects are in effect only for only a few hours, the aspect of the outer planets can last days and weeks. I post a reading for a day in advance to give a preview, also because the aspects may be in effect a day prior to the exact partile degree.

Hope you navigate the week successfully and share the joy! Thanks for reading.

The first Volume of Our Cosmic Imprint, astrology for self-actualization and transformation is now available online at Amazon bookstore in paperback or ebook format. It should be of interest to the novice astrologer or the curious as well as those advanced in astrological practice. Here is the link to the book

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June 4, 2024
Jerusalem, Israel

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