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The GZN readings for this week begin in the following space.
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The stellium of the Sun, Neptune, Saturn, and Venus in Pisces culminates this week, as the Sun ingress to Aries on the 20th of March. The Moon transits Uranus on Thursday, reigniting the square aspect to Mars with intense controversy, or violent incidences resulting from long-standing animosity. Favorable employment options become available, as the economy continues to grow. Mercury closes in on the conjunction aspect with Rahu in Aries, signaling profound shift in awareness, altering personal orientations, and realigning goals, as Mars is the dispositor of Mercury and Rahu. The Moon’s opposition aspect to Pluto on Tuesday triggers a shift in personal preferences.

Looking ahead


March 19-20th Sun ingress Aries
March 23rd Mars ingress Pisces
March 25th Full Moon eclipse in Libra
April 8th New Moon eclipse in Aries


Summary of major and minor aspects of the week

Wednesday March 13th — The Moon in Taurus makes a trine aspect to Ceres in Capricorn early today, and then a conjunction aspect with Jupiter in Taurus. The flow of support for the impoverished is under way with the stellium in Pisces, care for the disadvantaged is favored. Ceres in a sextile aspect to Saturn in Pisces, could indicate the limits of the support offered. The Moon is sextile aspect to Saturn before its conjunction aspect with Jupiter, allowing for the Saturn sextile aspect to Jupiter to be active for another day, putting limits on the possibility of significant change in support. Venus in Pisces supersedes the semi-sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, and Chiron supersedes the conjunction aspect with Rahu in Aries, so maybe we are moving away from universal angst and the proliferation of dis-information.

Thursday March 14th — The Moon transits the conjunction aspect with Uranus in Taurus early today, reaching partile at noon EET. The Moon is then square aspect to Mars in Aquarius, reigniting the Mars/Uranus square aspect, and sextile aspect to the Sun in Pisces. The sextile aspect between the Moon and Sun indicates that a possible working agreement can be achieved, even in the shadow of threats of violence.  Ceres in Capricorn, sextile aspect to Saturn, its dispositor in Pisces, pleads for the sake of innocent children who are held victims. While we want a more perfect world, we must rid ourselves of the vestiges of medieval barbarity and lust for conquest of land before peace can be achieved. The Moon begins the transit of the signs that are currently void of planets, creating possible avenues for agreement and resolution. The Moon in a sextile aspect to Neptune in Pisces follows late in the day, with emotional pleading for rescue. Moon ingress Gemini 03:17 UTC on Friday morning; 23:17 EDT; 05:17 EET Friday morning. The Moon makes the trine aspect to Pluto in Aquarius past midnight, galvanizing communication efforts. Innovations may be introduced.

Friday March 15th — The Moon in Gemini is square aspect to Venus in Pisces in the early morning hours, US time zones. Ceres in Capricorn and Jupiter in Taurus are in a trine aspect for the remainder of the month, as each gains momentum. This could increase the prospects for evolving economic considerations, especially for the younger generations, and for environmental concerns. More people are finding viable employment options, leading to greater satisfaction.  There continues to be a shifting ground as Pluto tests the atmosphere in Aquarius, Neptune in the final degrees of Pisces, and Uranus in the 3rd decant (final 10 degrees) of Taurus. Toward evening US time zones, the Sun in an approaching conjunction aspect with Neptune in Pisces (Saturday morning in UK, EU, and ME), in the Pisces stellium, there is a dissolution of conscious conformity, that will motivate a renewal in the months to come. The Moon makes a harsh square aspect to Saturn in Pisces in the afternoon hours (US time zones) prompting shifts in conscious alignments that will determine future status, as Saturn is disposed of by Neptune, the ruler of Pisces.  The simultaneous sextile aspect to Mercury in Aries indicates independent thinking and analysis as new standards are sought.

Saturday March 16thMercury in Aries and Saturn in Pisces are partile semi-sextile by aspect as Ceres in Capricorn, in an approaching aspect to Mercury, and sextile aspect to Saturn, an indication that alliances formed now seek protection rather than innovation. Ceres trine aspect to Jupiter, although with a wide orb of influence, continues to find economic and health advantages for the underprivileged segments of the population, helping more out of a poverty situation. The Moon in Gemini makes a trine aspect to Mars in Aquarius in the afternoon hours, followed by square aspect to the Sun and Neptune in Pisces in the evening, US time zones. The first quarter Moon phase at 04:12 UTC; 00:12 EDT; 6:12 EET. In the mutable signs (Pisces and Gemini), the Sun and Moon square aspect could indicate an individual crisis in the face of a universal shift in consciousness.

Sunday March 17th — The Moon ingress Cancer at 09:42 UTC; 05:42 EDT; 11:42 EET. The Moon’s quincunx aspect to Pluto in Aquarius follows the ingress, as many retreat to home and security for the weekend, rejecting the social manipulation they feel is affecting their lives. The Sun in Pisces supersedes the conjunction aspect with Neptune, as we seek to eliminate doubt and build security. Saturn in Pisces is in a separating sextile aspect to Ceres in Capricorn, working to remove doubt also, although stability is eroding along with the stellium in Pisces and Neptune the dispositor.

Monday March 18th — The Moon in Cancer makes a trine aspect to Saturn in Pisces and am opposition aspect to Ceres in Capricorn early in the day (US time zones) reassuring stability with the dawning day. A few hours later, the Moon is in a square aspect to Mercury in Aries.  As questions arise, youth speak out and leaders must listen. A T-square configuration in Cardinal signs develops, as controversies again erupt. Mercury in conjunction aspect with Rahu, beckons with a promise of future advantages. The Moon makes a sextile aspect to Jupiter in Taurus, indicating financial relief if under pressure. Asking for a wage increase brings results if the increase was deserved. The Moon in a sextile aspect to Uranus could indicate a bonanza, or a sudden reversal of promises.

Tuesday March 19th — The Moon in Cancer is trine aspect to Neptune in Pisces, and quincunx aspect to Mars in Aquarius, diffusing momentum, as more intelligence is received. The Moon trine aspect to the Sun follows, as inspiration flows. Mercury in Aries in a conjunction aspect with Rahu, realigns beliefs, as confidence is shaken. The Moon ingress to Leo 19:34 UTC; 15:34 EDT; 21:34 EET, and the Moon reaches the opposition aspect to Pluto in Aquarius. A surge of renewed or support or opposition support for candidates begins. Ceres in Capricorn is trine aspect to Jupiter, as younger voters lead the way for change, and sextile aspect to Saturn in Pisces, as renewed efforts are made to work with established organizations. The Sun ingress to Aries 03:08 on Wednesday UTC; 23:08 EDT; 05:08 Wednesday EET.  Fractured institutions start in a new direction.

Delve into the mysteries of astrology in this introduction and guidebook — Our Cosmic Imprint — available on with eBook or print version. Fascinating chart readings of celebrities included.

Reminder: While lunar aspects are in effect only for only a few hours, the aspect of the outer planets can last days and weeks. I post a reading for a day in advance to give a preview, also because the aspects may be in effect a day prior to the exact partile degree.

Hope you navigate the week successfully and share the joy! Thanks for reading.

The first Volume of Our Cosmic Imprint, astrology for self-actualization and transformation is now available online at Amazon bookstore in paperback or ebook format. It should be of interest to the novice astrologer or the curious as well as those advanced in astrological practice. Here is the link to the book

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March 12, 2024
Jerusalem, Israel



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