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The GZN readings for this week begin in the following space.
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The Full Moon on Thursday in Sagittarius coincides with the conjunction aspect of Venus and Jupiter in the final degree of Taurus, sextile aspect to Neptune denotes exceptions to the rule. Humanity is at a significant and historical moment that could determine international acceptance of the rule of law. The Moon transits from Scorpio to Aquarius over the week, as Jupiter and Venus ingress Gemini. The Moon trine to Jupiter, Venus, and the Sun on Monday, Memorial Day in the US, allows for freedoms, transcending the issues that are of grave concern.

Looking ahead

June 3rd Mercury ingress Gemini
June 6th New Moon in Gemini
June 9th Mars ingress Taurus
June 17th Mercury and Venus ingress Cancer
June 20-21st Sun ingress Cancer

Summary of major aspects of the week

Wednesday May 22ndSun in Gemini, Moon in Scorpio. Venus in Taurus conjunction aspect to Jupiter, the pair in a sextile aspect to Neptune in Pisces. Some issues begin to clear up, as sextile means working relationships that bring results. The Moon in a quincunx aspect to Mars in Aries, and then a trine aspect to Saturn in Pisces early morning hours US time zones, followed by a sextile aspect to Ceres and a quincunx aspect to Chiron as inter-related issues could force release of captives, with the right combination of pressure and force with diplomacy when the Moon reaches the opposition aspect with Uranus in Taurus later in the day, with the Sun in Gemini trine aspect to Pluto retro in Aquarius.

Thursday May 23rd — The Moon reaches the final degree of Scorpio (before dawn US time zones), trine aspect to Neptune in Pisces, and opposition aspect to Venus and Jupiter as Venus supersedes Jupiter, in the final degree of Taurus for a transforming event, precipitates a moment of deep satisfaction. The Moon ingress to Sagittarius 08:25 UTC; 04:25 EST; 11:25 EEDT.  Following the ingress, the Moon sextile aspect to Pluto, and approaching the Full Moon [chart image above] opposition aspect to the Sun at 13:54 UTC; 09:54 EDT; 16:54 EEDT, as humanity reaches for a whole new level of responsibility. While we could sink into an era of human slavery, bound to be slaves for a few multi-billionaires, we have the possibility to become free by understanding our inter-connected power, as electronic communication transforms the world. Venus ingress to Gemini leaves Jupiter sextile aspect to Neptune for endless expansion of a painful recovery.

Friday May 24th — The Moon in Sagittarius trine aspect to Mars (final dispositor) and Chiron in Aries, with Ceres retro in Capricorn square aspect to Chiron. The Moon is also in a square aspect to Saturn in Pisces simultaneous with the trine aspect to Mars, indicating extensive cautions taken. Jupiter in Taurus, the dispositor of the Moon, is sextile aspect to Neptune in Pisces (final dispositor). Aggressive actions could be successful, although involving more casualties, taking a philosophical advantage. Pluto retro in Aquarius is in a trine aspect to Sun and Venus conjunction aspect in Gemini. Perhaps there is a demand for compliance to acceptance of an alternative view. You may be challenged to think through loyalties.

Saturday May 25th — The Moon in Sagittarius quincunx aspect to Jupiter in Taurus and square aspect to Neptune in Pisces, prior to its ingress to Capricorn 15:37 UTC; 11:37 EDT; 18:37 EEDT. A judicial decision is challenged on financial matters. Pluto retro in Aquarius is trine aspect to Venus in Gemini and Jupiter at its ingress to Gemini, late evening US time zones, early morning on Sunday UK, EU, and ME, afternoon Sunday in Australia and New Zealand. As more acceptance of a proposal for peace is possible. The Moon in Capricorn is quincunx aspect to the Sun in Gemini and to Jupiter at its ingress to Gemini. Jupiter, Venus, and the Sun in Gemini offer more alternative paths for individuals as well as for nations.

Sunday May 26th — The Moon in Capricorn makes a trine aspect to Mercury in Taurus, the dispositor of the planets in Gemini, as multiple outcomes are offered for entrenched issues. The Moon sextile aspect to Saturn in Pisces, Saturn now the dispositor of the Moon, indicates attempts to stabilize a deteriorating situation. The Moon transits the conjunction aspect to Ceres retro, and then makes a square aspect to Mars in Aries later in the day, a sign of haltering aggression of war amidst legal battles.

Monday May 27th — The Moon in Capricorn makes a trine aspect to Uranus in Taurus early in the day, predawn US time zones, a signal of protection during upsetting events. There could be significant reversals in policy to comply with court orders. The Moon makes a sextile aspect to Neptune prior to its ingress to Aquarius at 20:46 UTC; 16:46 EDT; 23:46 EEDT and conjunction aspect with Pluto retro. The Moon then makes inclusive trines to Jupiter, Venus, and the Sun in Gemini with indications that the reality of difficult impasses is transcended for the time being. Jupiter has transcended the sextile aspect with Neptune, leaving behind the intractable issues to work out in time, as we can continue enjoying a day of relative freedom.

Tuesday May 28th — The Moon in Aquarius trine aspect to the Sun in Gemini predawn US time zones, morning hours in UK, EU, and ME, at a time of relative peace, to include optimistic conversations among allies and supporters. Everyone seems to think that they have the better hand, and that the outcome of trials will go their way. Ceres retro in Capricorn square aspect to Mars in Aries as radicals seek advantage, but the conjunction aspect of Mercury and Chiron indicates a rejection, as the jury deliberates. Mercury in Taurus approaching trine aspect to Ceres retro could advance demands from the oppressed for retribution. Jupiter in Gemini in an approaching trine aspect to Pluto retro in Aquarius overnight or early Wednesday morning, as expectations for decisive actions concerning indictments and/or captives is awaited. Jupiter is disposed of by Mercury in Taurus, trine aspect to Ceres retro in Capricorn. Collective opinions circulate as judicial announcements are awaited.

Delve into the mysteries of astrology in this introduction and guidebook — Our Cosmic Imprint — available on with eBook or print version. Fascinating chart readings of celebrities included.

Reminder: While lunar aspects are in effect only for only a few hours, the aspect of the outer planets can last days and weeks. I post a reading for a day in advance to give a preview, also because the aspects may be in effect a day prior to the exact partile degree.

Hope you navigate the week successfully and share the joy! Thanks for reading.

The first Volume of Our Cosmic Imprint, astrology for self-actualization and transformation is now available online at Amazon bookstore in paperback or ebook format. It should be of interest to the novice astrologer or the curious as well as those advanced in astrological practice. Here is the link to the book

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May 21, 2024
Jerusalem, Israel

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