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The GZN readings for this week begin in the following space.
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Focus on New Moon


Transiting Ceres retro is now at 9 deg Capricorn, turns direct at 7 deg Capricorn on August 27th. On that date, transiting Venus in Virgo is trine aspect to Uranus and opposition aspect to Neptune retro in Pisces, and Moon conjunction with Mars at the focal point of the opposition. Ceres in Israel’s natal chart is at 10 deg Cancer, in opposition aspect to transiting Ceres. In addition to hostages held by enemy forces, Ceres must also be regarded as representing younger generations, and all who feel unrepresented in the current plutocracy.  On Saturday August 3rd, opportunities exist to focus on renewal and healing.  Neptune aspect to Pluto is within one degree, the closest they well be this month, before slowly separating again. The near partile sextile aspect will not be reached for another year. Neptune ingress to Aries on March 31, 2025. Pluto ingress to Aquarius November 20, 2024.

Looking ahead

August 16 Mercury ingress Leo
August 19 Full Moon in Aquarius
August 22 Sun ingress Virgo
August 27 Ceres turns direct
August 29 Mercury turns direct
August 30 Venus ingress Libra
September 2 Uranus turns retrograde
September 2 Pluto retro ingress Capricorn


Summary of major and minor aspects of the week

Wednesday July 31st — The Moon in Gemini makes a square aspect to Saturn retro in Pisces early today US time zones, afternoon UK, EU, and ME, limiting opportunities to change course. As both Moon and Saturn are in mutable signs, indecision, habitual responses and/or denial may be the favored response to the conflict escalation attempts. Inadequate justifications given should be examined. Mars in Gemini is sextile aspect to the Sun in Leo, as we find encouragement in support of creativity, with the Yod formation. Enthusiasm for a personal hero radiates success. Mars and the Sun quincunx aspects to Ceres in Capricorn indicate a cult following. A cult to counter another cult. Venus in Virgo rules Libra, indicates work to even the score, also sesquiquadrate aspect to Ceres, and trine aspect to Chiron retro in Aries to add to the story of triumph.


Thursday August 1st — The Moon ingress to Cancer at 03:20 UTC; 23:49 EDT on Wednesday; 06:20 EEDT. The Moon opposition aspect to Ceres retro in Capricorn [see chart insert] is partile at 23:21 EEDT; 20:20 UTC; 16:20 EDT.  At that time, Venus in Leo is approaching square aspect to Uranus in Taurus, a harsh aspect softened by Venus in prideful Leo. An event that is sudden and bound to reverse expectations is indicated. Ceres is quincunx aspect to Mars and to the Sun. Mars in Gemini is sextile aspect to the Sun in Leo, forming a Yod with Ceres retro. There could open a window of opportunity to free the hostages.

Friday August 2nd — The Moon in Cancer makes a trine aspect to Saturn retro in Pisces (water signs) with a sympathetic appeal. Venus in Leo partile square aspect to Uranus in Taurus (fixed signs), a less than friendly contest of will power is likely. Venus is disposed of by the Sun in Leo, its sign of rulership, thus a final dispositor. If the buck ends here, it should be a righteous one. The Sun is quincunx aspect to Ceres in Capricorn and Ceres is quincunx aspect to Mars in Gemini, as the Yod formation is maintained, Mars is effectively sextile aspect to the Sun. SunMars contacts are invigorating. Rapid gain, may see resolution of outstanding issues regarding the detained and imprisoned.  Migrant issues are considered as many migrants are detained and oppressed. Jupiter in Gemini sesquiquadrate aspect to Pluto in Aquarius  could indicate an easing of conflicts regarding a surge in migration. The Moon transits to the square aspect to Chiron retro in Aries late in the day (morning hours UK, EU, and ME). An emotional appeal for the injured could be made, including attempts to heal the hurt. Sometimes looking at the road not taken reveals hidden purpose. The Moon sextile aspect to Uranus overnight US time zones, morning hours in the eastern hemisphere indicates an emotional appeal that could reverse or moderate the outcome of the Venus square to Uranus.

Saturday August 3rd — The Moon makes a trine aspect to Neptune retro in Pisces and then ingress to Leo at 11:11 UTC; 08:11 EDT; 14:11 EEDT,  and a partile opposition aspect to Pluto retro in Aquarius. This could be an opportunity for a resolution, or a tightening of demands. The Moon indicates a change from the deep empathetic emotions to drawing out of heroism, as a victory is achieved. Mars in Gemini is partile quincunx aspect to Ceres in Capricorn, partially uncovering victim circumstances. Venus in Leo approaches a quincunx aspect to Neptune retro in Pisces before ingress to Virgo. Although pride and victimization do not mix, overcoming painful experiences might be a matter for pride.  The venue of the Olympics might be the showroom.


Sunday August 4th — The New Moon [see chart insert] early today at 11:14 UTC; 07:14 EDT; 14:14 EEDT. The events of the previous day are relived, as Ceres is square aspect to the lunar nodes (Rahu and Ketu) as a universal gestalt shift continues. The New Moon is partile conjunction aspect with Israel’s natal Pluto in Leo, part of a stellium in the 10th House of Israel’s natal chart. The details of the final release of hostages begin to be known. Transiting Pluto retro is conjunction aspect to the nadir (4th House cusp) in the natal chart of Israel. Thus, Pluto is transiting from the 3rd natal House to the 4th House. The neighborhood indicated by the 3rd House (surrounding countries or entities) has been the subject of great upheaval and International concern. Now the forces return home in the 4th House. Venus on the cusp of Virgo is the focal planet of a Yod formation, as Venus is quincunx aspect to both Neptune and Ceres as considerable care is lavished on the recent winners at the Olympic gymnastic competitions and as will as the released hostages. Jupiter is sesquiquadrate aspect to Pluto retro indicating the historic records that are achieved. Venus ingress to Virgo 02:32 UTC; 22:32 EDT; 05:32 EEDT on Monday.

Monday August 5th — The Moon in Leo makes a trine aspect to Chiron retro in Aries early today. Venus in Virgo and Mercury turns retrograde later today. The Moon ingress Virgo 21:18 UTC; 17:18 EDT; 00:18 on Tuesday EEDT , forming a conjunction aspect to Venus and quincunx aspect to Pluto retro at 0 deg Aquarius, also quincunx aspect to Neptune retro in Pisces, as the Yod formation persists, giving more opportunity for achieving aims. The Moon makes a square aspect to Uranus in Taurus for  a possible unexpected discovery, reversing fortunes. The Moon makes a trine aspect to Ceres retro late in the day, or morning on Tuesday UK, EU, and ME as health of competitors, returned  hostages and immigrants becomes a concern.

Tuesday August 6th —  Mercury turns retrograde at 03:59 UTC; 24:59 EDT (Monday); 07:59 EEDT with a close conjunction aspect with the Moon in Virgo. Mercury is a ruler of Virgo and a final dispositor of today’s chart. Moon trine aspect to Ceres, as Venu separates from the quincunx aspect to Pluto retro in Aquarius. The Moon makes square aspects to Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, and Venus conjunction aspect in Virgo favors selfless service, while intense introspection could become neurotic. The Moon opposition aspect to Saturn retro limits or oppresses emotional experience. You may find work to redefine your self-image helpful.

Have a great week!

Delve into the mysteries of astrology in this introduction and guidebook — Our Cosmic Imprint — available on with eBook or print version. Fascinating chart readings of celebrities included.

Reminder: While lunar aspects are in effect only for only a few hours, the aspect of the outer planets can last days and weeks. I post a reading for a day in advance to give a preview, also because the aspects may be in effect a day prior to the exact partile degree.

Hope you navigate the week successfully and share the joy! Thanks for reading.

The first Volume of Our Cosmic Imprint, astrology for self-actualization and transformation is now available online at Amazon bookstore in paperback or ebook format. It should be of interest to the novice astrologer or the curious as well as those advanced in astrological practice. Here is the link to the book

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July 30, 2024
Jerusalem, Israel


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